So funny story. I headed to the rec center straight from work and I was in the bathroom stall changing in the locker room. I go to pull my sports bra out of my bag and it flies and of course it lands in the toilet. I got upset but had a quick reaction and pulled it out. I also had brought a towel with me so I wrapped it up in there and squeezed it. The toilet was clean water so I wasn’t too worried about it and I put it on. There was no way I was going to go all the way back to the apartment to get a new sports bra.
Some may call it gross, but I call it “keepin’ cool” in this nasty weather we have been having.

6 Miles in 46:30 [7:45 per mile]
Lunch was O Charley’s on the house at work. We also celebrated a birthday and had ice cream cake! It was delicious. Oh how I love working at the job I work at.
I made spaghetti for dinner.

Now onto Wednesday. Tempo workout day.
I set my alarm for 6:30am and continued to press snooze up until 8:00am. I am awesome I know.
Thankfully it was raining and 72 degrees so I didn’t miss out on cool weather. The humidity was gross but hey, can’t complain since it wasn’t 104 degrees out .

Woke up with knee pain again, just walking around kind of hurt. So of course I took no risk and put on my knee strap. I also have been having tailbone pain which is awful.

These were my times for my tempo I was supposed to hit. 7:36 – 7:26 – 7:16
I thought they were a bit slow but I didn’t question it. I hit up the bike path as it is flat and decided to not even bother looking at my watch and just run what felt comfortable.
2 miles total for warm up and cool down together
3 Miles in 21:08 [7:02 per mile]
Splits went: 7:13 - 7:03 - 6:52
The last mile however I stopped with .5 left because I really had to go to the bathroom. So you can judge that one however you please.
I came home and started the recovery process.

Clif came out with new Clif Kid bars and they are like chewy granola bars. Of course I had to try them and I also had a $1.00 coupon which made 6 bars under 3 dollars. Score.
They are delicious and I recommend them if you are looking for something light to eat before or after a workout.
I then packed up my laundry and headed out the door to Jessica’s. She’s such a good friend and is saving me $2.00 a load and letting me do my laundry at her place. How generous.
Then of course it was grocery shopping.

I have three recipes I got ingredients for and then of course just extra items like pasta sauce to have on hand.
Recipes that will be made:
Zucchini and Squash Pasta
Pasta Con Broccoli
Orzo pasta with tomato and spinach
I spent a little under $18 for all this.
I honestly have just been buying what I need at the moment for recipes. I really need the basic staples such as flour, sugar, olive oil, and things like that. Feel free to send some my way if you are feeling generous
Q: Do you enjoy grocery shopping? I do but I hate crowds and people who think it’s all about them and feel they can take up a whole aisle.
Q: What recipes are you making this week?
Q: Are you watching Big Brother this summer? Big Brother is pretty much my thing. I have watched the Australian Big Brother, the UK Big Brother and the US Big Brother. I would watch the others if they spoke english haha. I highly enjoyed the Australian and UK ones but they are not continuing anymore. So sad. Big Brother US always got their ideas from them and it was always entertaining to watch them mimic the other versions.