Saturday, January 8, 2011

So You Want to be a Runner: Basic Training

If you missed the first segment of the series, check it out:

So You Want to be a Runner: Starting Out

**All quotes from Women’s Health Magazine’s 101 Greatest Running Tips.

Basic Training

These are my favorite/most important things in my opinion from the tips listed at Women’s Health

21. Dare to be different (but not dumb)


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"In training, don't be afraid to be an oddball, eccentric, or extremist. Only by daring to go against tradition can new ways of training be learned. The trick is recognizing quickly when a new approach is counterproductive." --Benji Durden, 1980 U.S. Olympic marathoner

I think this is so important because people tend to follow others when it comes to training. Or even follow training plans exactly, when they should be individualized. Don’t be afraid to mix things up and do what feels right for you. That is the most important thing to think about when it comes to running, do what feels good for you and in your comfort zone, especially if you are starting out.


23. Go for the goal


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"I believe in using races as motivators. It's hard to keep on an exercise program if you don't have a significant goal in sight." --Bob Greene, personal trainer of Oprah Winfrey

This is great because I always hear runners say they love to run but only when they are training for something. Races provide motivation to continue training and gives you something to look forward to. Also, the feeling of achievement when you have finished a race makes all the training worthwhile and soon you just become addicted!


26. Build with care


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"If you put down a good solid foundation, you can then build one room after another and pretty soon you have a house. After your base mileage, add hills, pace work, speedwork, and finally race strategy." --Rod Dixon, New Zealand Olympian and 1983 New York City Marathon champ

It seems there are different types of runners out there. Those who just run when they feel like and what they feel like and then those who start running base mileage and want to do more and more such as speed and getting faster. The thing about this is that you have to “build with care” like this running tip says. If you start too fast or build too fast then you will come crashing down with an injury. Start small and add in mileage and build then once you are comfortable with your mileage one can add in routes with hills, or hill repeats and speed work like tempo’s, fartleks, mile repeats etc. But you have to be smart about when it’s time and have a smart goal for your workouts.


27. Look at the big picture

"Whether one shall run on his heels or his toes is hardly worth discussing. The main thing in distance running is endurance--and how to get it." --Clarence DeMar, seven-time Boston Marathon champion and U.S. Olympic marathoner


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This one is really good advice in my opinion. I’ve always been told that running mid foot is the most efficient way to run, when doing cross country and longer distances. Then I was a sprinter and was told to be on your toes(yes I sprinted in high school, freshman year ha.) When really, everyone has their own way of running and their own form and it is incredibly hard and awkward to try and change. I know I’ve spent summers trying to run mid foot and heard/read things about barefoot running or dropping the heel of your shoes from this gal. I can’t tell you from experience if these will change your form and make you a better runner, but I can tell you that no matter how you run, if you just focus on the training and put it in, you will be a better runner and possibly the other little things will follow.


34. Ease it back


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"After a run, don't rush back into life. Take a few minutes to walk, stretch, relax, meditate." --Runner's World editor

This is something I forget about when I am running alone. I come back from a run and immediately log my run/take a shower and get back to my life outside of running. I forget to just take time when I get back to catch my breath and stretch out. It’s something I’ve been really focusing on to do better at while I’m at school and I have, but when I come home I just want to immediately start hanging out with friends or doing other things.

Hopefully you have enjoyed these tips. The next segment is: Advanced Training


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